
Website blocker safari
Website blocker safari


WasteNoTime extension provides a status bar, which is right below the address bar and bookmark bar if you have one. Clicking it will display the WasteNoTime popover window, where you may check how much allowed time left, add sites to be block, and access Settings page. WasteNoTime extension adds an icon to Safari browser toolbar.

  • How do I use WasteNoTime Safari Extension?.
  • Support separate time configuration for within workhours and outside of workhours.
  • Display remaining time on settings page.
  • Change the default configuration to simple maxium-time-per-day without time ranges.
  • Improved toolbar icon with anti-aliasing.
  • More streamlined View Settings and Edit Settings pages.
  • Use more light-weight dialog box and reduced the extension package size by 70%.
  • Overhaul of the configuration page which is now cleaner and easier to navigate.
  • Enhanced extension status bar and it is now enabled by default.
  • Support using multiple time ranges to define work hours.
  • Cleaned up status bar and made it more informative.
  • Re-origanized View Settings page using tabs.
  • Now users can disable the status bar using standard View menu.
  • Fixed issue that status bar is mistakenly displayed when it is disabled.
  • Fixed issue that the WasteNoTime Settings button appears to be disabled on some Safari versions.
  • WasteNoTime settings can now be accessed through context menu.
  • Changed timer behavior and timers now stop when the browser is minimized.
  • Added whitelist feature so users can use some cover-all blacklist and then unblock site-by-site.
  • WasteNoTime extension now supports Safari 5.1.
  • Added more informative default block page instead of using about:blank.
  • Added support link in the settings page.
  • More extensive validation of time ranges.
  • Re-organized the menu items and made it more streamlined.
  • Disabled extension bar by default for new users.

    Fixed an issue with Safari on Windows where challenge string is not displayed correctly.Block List and Allow List are now sorted for easily locating a site.Support setting time limit on per-site basis.Support Safari 5.1 Popover feature, which is accessible through toolbar button and provides more information of the current site and timers status.


  • Let user configure a password instead of a random challenge to prevent self from editing settings.
  • Display a warning message before a web page is to be blocked.
  • Per-site time limit is no longer count against global time quota.
  • Added Time Tracker feature to report top sites in the past day, week, and month.
  • WasteNoTime is now available for Google Chrome.
  • New Retina display compatible icon for Safari.
  • Support Private Browsing (Safari) and Incognito (Chrome) mode and provide option to disable tracking.
  • Allow resetting Time Tracker historical data.
  • Show timer count down on toolbar icon when warning period is triggered.
  • Dynamic toolbar icon that indicates whether a web site is on the block list or allow list.
  • The black list can now be re-ordered by users which is necessary when you have per-site custom settings and want to control which pattern matches first.
  • website blocker safari

    Updated to use Google Chrome manifest 2 format.Adjusted idleness detection: Treat Chrome window being minimized or in background as idle.More strict validation when setting work hours time segments.

    website blocker safari

    Fixed issue with importing settings json file.One use case is that users can now block system page such as "chrome://extensions" to prevent WNT extension from being disabled. Allow any protocol string such as "chrome://" in URL patterns.Display an alert when InstantLockdown period is over.Make it available via Safari Extension Gallery. Remove any username password which may appear in url before tracking.instant lockdown for longer than 8 hours and at a specific time.Switch to external block page so it works in Chrome incognito.Solved a long-standing issue that settings may disapear in Safari when browser history is cleared by user or a third-party app.Support blocking links from a site, useful for sites such as reddit and digg (Additonal user permission is required for Chrome).Support loading block list from external URL.Fixed an issue that clock continues to run when browser window is minimized or new tab is opened.Integrated with Chrome storage so settings can be sync'ed to Google account if enabled.


  • Restructure the code to remove the need for content script and need for intrusive permissions.

  • Website blocker safari