Wearable heart monitor patch skin#
Skin preparation is needed to ensure that the electrodes (small sticky patches connected to leads) can be securely fitted to your chest this involves light skin abrasion and cleaning the skin to ensure that the dead skin cells and any natural oils are cleaned away. The test can provide your doctor with much more data regarding your cardiac rhythm on which to base any medical decisions concerning your health. When you return the monitor to the office, the heart specialist, which in our case is your cardiologist in our cardiology clinic, will analyse the data, interpret them and produce the report in 6-12hours. You can continue along with your daily activities throughout the test. You will need to wear the monitor around your waist or carry it in your pocket. This cardiac test monitors your heart rhythm over 24 hours. Choose the highest performing holter and heart monitoring technology available globally. * Choosing devices We remain independent of devices.

* You can return the device in your nearest Post Office in a special envelope (provided from us) saving your time. *A 48 hour (£220) can also be actioned depending on the evolution, signs and presenting symptoms. If you have experienced symptoms such as palpitations, skipping beats, dizziness, fainting, chest pain or shortness of breath and a routine resting 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) examination has not identified a problem, your doctor may ask you to have a 24h holter monitoring ECG test. A Holter monitor test (Heart Monitor, Ambulatory ECG Monitor) is a lightweight, wearable device that records the electrical activity or your heart continuously.